Lt General Thomas McInerney and Lt General Michael Flynn gave interviews to WVW Broadcasting Network today. It was Flynn’s first interview since his pardon.In stunning testimony, McInerney stated his sources have told him U.S. Army Special Forces, possibly the famed Delta Force, raided the CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany. 5 soldiers were killed in the ensuing firefight, as well as one CIA paramilitary. The CIA personnel were allegedly flown in from Afghanistan for security, according to reports. Subsequent review of the secured servers yielded proof that China, Iran, and Russia were involved in the attempted coup against President Donald..
これまでの米国の政治が、ニューヨークの金融資本家とその秘密組織により運営され、民主国家とは言えない状態であったことが、今回の大統領選挙でより明確になった。(補足1)その実態は、9.11NTCビル爆破事件やイラク戦争など、過去に起こった多くの不可解な出来事で、既に明らかだという人も多い。例えば、9.11のケースでは、米国の「911調査弁護士会(Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry)」が、”真相を隠す米国の支配者に訴状を突きつけている。それを紹介した田中宇氏の記事を引用する。
Early Wednesday, images of an election map suggested that Joseph R. Biden Jr. had suddenly received 138,339 votes in Michigan, or 100 percent of the newly counted ballots in an update of the state’s tally.
In reality, Mr. Biden didn’t receive those votes. They were briefly added to his unofficial totals on an election map because of a typo in a small Michigan county that was caught and corrected in roughly half an hour.
When Ms. Bowen and her team sent the county’s unofficial vote counts to Michigan officials early Wednesday, they accidentally reported Mr. Biden’s tally as 153,710, when it should have been 15,371, she said.
同じエラーについて、AFPは「ミシガンのある郡での投票集計におけるヒューマンエラーが不正選挙の主張を引き起こす」(Human error in Michigan county vote tally sparks claims of election fraud)と題する記事で言及している。内容は同じだが、別の担当者(Karoline Wilson氏)の証言が書き込まれている。
Karoline Wilson, county clerk for the central Michigan county of Shiawassee, told AFP by phone, “I added an extra zero accidentally,” thereby reporting 153,710 votes for Biden instead of 15,371.
“The minute it was discovered, it was corrected, probably within 20 minutes, so I’m amazed how fast this spread,” Wilson added.
She said the state of Michigan alerted her office of the mistake “because we don’t even have that many voters.”
The central Michigan county only has 55,612 registered voters.
及川氏の動画で、New York Timesの記事と同様に、バイデンだけ138000票入り、その時他の票数は全く動かなかったと話している。もし、集計担当者の言うように、バイデンの票数にゼロを一つ誤って付け足したのなら、その集計部分では、バイデン153710、トランプ23154が付け加わる筈である。100%バイデン票ということはありえない。(下のAFPの記事中の図及び上のNew York Times記事の赤字下線部分)