

1)米国が露呈させた中国共産党政権の真の姿と日本の課題   日本が抱えている最重要な課題は、コロナ問題や拉致問題等ではなく、表題の問に対して明確な答えと姿勢を持つことである。短期的な経済的利益に囚われないで、現在が世界の歴史の方向が決定される時なのかどうかを考えるべきである。...







① 崔教授は、第二次世界大戦前の子供のころから韓国と日本の間を行き来して、日本と韓国の違いを見てきた。その結果を一言で言うと、両国は何もかも殆ど同じと言って良いくらい非常に似ていた。(以下、当ブログ筆者が語る形で書く。)







② 第4代皇帝の世宗は、朝鮮文字ハングルを作ったが、第10代皇帝はその使用を禁止した。そして、ハングルを書いたもの、書いた本を持つものを死刑にした。事大主義の保守派は、文字としては漢字があり、独自の文字を持つのはモンゴルや日本などの夷狄のみであるとして、その普及に反対した。


賢明な指導者も何人か現れたが、事大主義の保守層が支配的な朝鮮王朝は、彼らを処刑した。例えば、Kim Hongjip は首相を何度も努め優秀だった。古い風習、例えばチョンマゲを廃止するなど近代化に努力した。しかし、王は彼を処刑した。(補足4) 







4)Wikipediaによると、Kim Hongjip(1842-1896)は1880年、日本に公的に派遣され、日本の近代化に学んだ。1895年、東学党の乱を抑える為に首相になった。チョンマゲの廃止の他にも、朝鮮のカースト制(両班と平民が大きな区分けだが、その身分制は不可触民まで多段階あった。)の廃止など、優れた政治を行ったが、事大党と開化派の対立の中で暗殺される。朝鮮政府は、遺体を8つに切って朝鮮各地に贈り、頭を光化門に掲げた。

Professor Che Keiho talks about the necessity of Japanese annexation of Korea for the development of the peninsula.

Chairman:  Professor Che, first of all, will you tell us what made you publish this book in Japan? (title of the book: “Japan’s annexation of Korea”, Truth of Japan’s 36 years rescue of Korea)

Prof. Che:

From the time of my childhood, since the time before the WW II, I’ve traveled back and forth between Japan and Korea, and I’ve been seeing differences between Japanese and Korean in these days. They spoke the same language and had the same folkways. They were the same in all respects. I’ve researched the historical relationship between Japan and Korea.

For instance, after the detailed research of the “Chronicles of Japan” (Nihonshoki), and “A Record of Ancient Matters” (Kojiki), I came to the conclusion that the three states of Korean peninsula and the Yamato were an identical state. Goguryeo, Baekje, Silla, Kaya.  We are connected historically.

However, we began to be different from each other five or six hundred years ago.

In Korea then, Lee Seonggye (李成桂) founded the Joseon Dynasty(朝鮮王朝). He’d been a military commander before he founded Joseon. He abolished ancient traditions such as Buddhism. He introduced Confucianism and Neo-Confucianism(儒教と朱子学), then washed out Buddhism. After having gotten lost within only Confucianism and Neo-Consucianism, People began to talk about only hollow theories.


They lied from morning till night. It was an inevitable social phenomenon.In those days, difference in social standing between Yangbans (両班)and other people was serious.

(Chairman: A Yangban was an elite aristocrat, was’t it?   Prof. Che: Yes it is.)

People called Yangban didn’t work at all and spent most of time for hollow theories from morning till night. Even though being just lasy, they were free to squeeze crops out of ordinary people or farmers.

The Edo era of Japan under the Tokugawa government, on the other hand, people often said, “If you won’t work, you shan’t eat”, and actually worked hard. Under the feudal domain system, the domains competed with each other for the industrial development and economic growth.

As for Joseon, they tended to live in idleness with nothing to do. Put simply, it was like, “If you’ll work, you shan’t eat.” Only who didn’t work at all got enough food and all who worked were despised.

They thought a merchant a thief, selling things at a higher price than the initial cost. They also thought that a manufacturer was a mere slave, selling a product at a high price despite its cheap material or ingredient.

However hard they worked, Yangbans took everything away from them.  An economy could never have grown in that state of society. 

And they broke down the bridges across Hangang, Geumgang and other rivers. They didn’t construct a road. They were afraid of a road making it easy for enemies to get to them and annihilate them.

  In summary, Lee Seonggye destroyed his homeland Goguryeo that had been famous as the great democratic dynasty.  Then, he changed their colonial master to Ming.

Afterwards, Jeseon turned to the totally haphazard country.

For instance, they didn’t construct any infrastructure. And most of smart people insisting on a road construction for an economy growth were executed.

Interestingly, the 4th king Sejong had developed a precious writing system called Hangeul, but later Yeonsan-gun (10’th King) banned it.

He made a law to ban the Hangeul and execute all who wrote it or had a book in it. And those who spoke for a person against this law were also punished as criminals.

Because of that, people didn’t use Hangeul and all books in it disappeared. There was a famous novelist Heo Gyun (許筠, 1569–1618), who wrote the first literature in Hangeul titled “Hong Gildong”. His novel was so famous to spread to the Ryukyu Kingdom.

His novel was so famous to spread to the Ryukyu Kingdom or Okinawa today and is still exists there.  Despite his feat of Hangeul novel and the honor as the minister of high caliber, he was executed with the sword finally.

Therefore, afterwards, most of novelists wrote Hangeul novels anonymously.  There were excellent Hangeul novels translated into Japanese, such as Chunhyangdyeon.

However, their authors are unknown as they sank their names. They were afraid of being executed, if their names had been identified to the public.  So, smart people never appeared as such kind of people were afraid of being executed.

To make matters worse, there was an implication law.  Not only a criminal was executed without any trial, but all the criminal’s relatives and family were executed by this law. After all, those facts prevented the growth of literature.

In Joseon, they weren’t able to achieve or develop anything by their own ability.  They surely were the smart people such as Kim Okgyun and Kim Hongjib. Kim Hongjib became the prime minister four times, and made the topknot cutting law.

Every man at the time tied a topknot but it was unsanitary.  Besides trying a topknot was hard to do and they weren’t able to do it by themselves,

So they had to ask someone for that once a week, in ten days or a month. They didn’t wash hairs during that period, did smell and were above all filthy.  Prime Minister Kim tried to improve this unsanitary condition by topknot cutting. Then, the King executed him.

The Prime Minister Kim was slaughtered. There was no room for development at all in this country. (End of file)

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